Overnight internet sensation Priya Prakash Varrier and Roshan, the two newcomers who stormed to fame after the famous wink sequence in a song from the upcoming Omar Lulu movie ‘Oru Adaar Love‘ went viral, are yet again looking to break internet records with a new song. The new song titled ‘Freak Penne‘ from the movie was released over the internet today.

Watch the uber cool “Freak Penne” video song (with Subtitles) from ‘Oru Adaar Love’, an upcoming Malayalam movie Written and Directed by Omar Lulu starring Priya Prakash Varrier, Roshan Abdul Rahoof, Noorin Shereef, Michelle Ann Daniel, Arun A Kumar, Mathew, Siyadh Shajahan, Dilrupa Aswad Alqamar and Yami Sona among others. Music by Shaan Rahman, Cinematography by Sinu Sidharth, Edited by Achu Vijayan, Written by Sarang Jayaprakash and Lijo Panadan, Project Designed by Thaju Dheen, Produced by Ousepachan Vaalakuzhy under the banner of Ousepachan Movie House. Muzik247 is the official music partner.

The only bad thing about #FreakPenne is Priya Warrier. കൂറ പെർഫോർമൻസ്. Everything else was good. Noorin Shareef പൊളിച്ചു..

Record Breaking Alert 🚨📢

#OruAdaarLove movie’s #FreakPenne song passing 126k dislikes & it still grows faster. I never seen anything like this had much much much better numbers in dislikes rather than likes

Don’t know what the reason behind those dislikes. Is any one know…?

ooks like Omar Lulu and team offers a festival for Trollers through the #FreakPenne Video Song !! 😬😂 Dislikes 😷😷😷😷 #OruAdaarLove

Please don’t kill my movie in the name of Priya Varrier, pleads Omar Lulu